It's already Thursday! (It took me three tries to get the right day typed here!) How could that happen? I guess two days of traveling will do that to you! The travel was long but went well. It seemed harder to get back into our own country than it was to leave! The security in Amsterdam was heightened and so they were asking lots of questions as to why we were in Sudan. They must have found it hard to believe we were part of a Sunday School Teacher's Conference! But it was wonderful for all of us to get home and be greeted by our families!
Our last day in Nairobi was wonderful as we split up and did some different things. Micheal and Vergil went back to the guest house and rested for a bit. Gary was there long enough to quickly shower (The flight from Khartoum was almost 3 hours late - Sudanized again!) He met with the team from Sports Outreach that he worked with this past summer and did some puppet training with them through the afternoon. He then had the rest of the day to spend with Franklin and his wife, Lynette. It was a great time to catch up with one another marvelling that we would see each other again within 6 months! Gary, Micheal and Virgil then collided at the Yaya market where we got some things to bring home. Good thing for us to have Franklin and Rosemary's daughter, Prudence, to help with the bargaining. Nobody pulling anything over their eyes! Though Vergil did some great dickering himself! We all then met back at Rosemary's for a final home cooked meal (which was just out of this world - well out of this continent anyway! :o) Rosemary's twin daughters had just returned home from college just hours before we got there, so there were lots of stories and laughter to be shared by everyone. The evning was closed by Rosemary's daughters singing Joyful Joyful to us - oh my! We could have listened to them for hours!! Heaven will be marvelous to be worshipping with all of these people from Africa. I hope the Lord puts me next to them when it comes time for choir spots!
Some pictures are posted and more will be added in the days to come! From the three of us - we can't thank you enough for your support and your prayers. Know that God worked mightily in and through each person. We are all changed for His glory. Remember to be praying for the people in Sudan and those who were part of this incredible experience. The enemy continues to prowl around and he is not happy with what has taken place. He will seek to divide and devour that which God has done in these people. Pray that God would give them strength, that they seek the Spirit's power and boldness as they move out to the areas where God has placed them. The people here have seen a great light - and it Jesus!
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